Finding Accommodation in Dubai: My Experience

Finding Accommodation in Dubai: My Experience

Dubai is a vibrant city that attracts people from all over the world for work and business opportunities. When I first arrived in Dubai, I had to find a place to stay that was both affordable and comfortable. Like many newcomers, I opted for bedspace accommodation, which is a popular choice for working professionals looking for budget-friendly living arrangements.

My First Home in Dubai

I stayed in a bedspace with three other girls. Two of them were sisters from the Philippines, and the other was from India. All of us were working professionals, trying to build our careers in Dubai. Living together in a shared space was a new experience for me, but it turned out to be one of the best parts of my journey.

Friendship and Support

These three girls became my first friends in Dubai. They welcomed me warmly and made me feel at home despite being far from my family. More than just roommates, they became my support system. They guided me on how to attend job interviews, shared tips on where to find job openings, and even helped me prepare for interviews. Their advice and encouragement played a crucial role in helping me secure my first job in Dubai.

Benefits of Bedspace Living

Living in a bedspace has several advantages, especially for newcomers:

  • Affordability: Rent in Dubai can be expensive, and bedspaces offer a budget-friendly alternative.
  • Networking: Living with other professionals can help build connections and friendships.
  • Guidance: If you are new to the city, roommates can provide valuable insights about job hunting, transportation, and daily life.
  • Convenience: Many bedspaces are located in prime areas with easy access to public transportation and essential amenities.


Finding the right accommodation in Dubai can be a challenge, but sharing a bedspace with friendly and helpful roommates made my transition much easier. The friendships I built during my initial days in Dubai were invaluable, and the support I received helped me take my first steps toward a successful career. For anyone new to the city, a bedspace can be a great starting point, offering both affordability and a sense of community.


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